Institute Lines : +91-824-2474000 to 4006 (7 Lines)

Sl. No. Name Designation Contact Details
1 Prof. B. Ravi Director 0824-2474010
2 PA to Director -NA- 0824-2473000
Deputy Director
1 Prof. Subhash C. Yaragal Deputy Director 0824-2474011
1 Shri K. Ravindranath Registrar 0824-2474024
2 PA to Registrar -NA- 0824-2473006
1 Prof. Dwarakish G S Academic 0824-2474014
2 PA to Academic -NA- 0824-2473003
3 Prof. Prasanna Belur. D Alumni & Corporate Relations 0824-2474016
4 PA to Alumni & Corporate Relations -NA- 0824-2473001
5 Prof. T. Laxminidhi Faculty & Staff Welfare 0824-2474018
6 Prof. Gangadharan K V Planning & Development 0824-2474019
7 PA to Faculty Welfare / Planning & Development -NA- 0824-2473002
8 Prof. Udaya Bhat K Research & Consultancy 0824-2474017
9 PA to Research & Consultancy -NA- 0824-2473005
10 Prof. Ampar Chitharanjan Hegde Student Welfare 0824-2474015
11 PA to Student Welfare -NA- 0824-2473004
Associate Dean
1 Prof. Vinatha U PG Programs 0824-2473161
2 Prof. Arun M. UG Programs 0824-2473162
3 Dr. Sowmya Kamath S Alumni Network 0824-2473911
4 Prof. Hari Prasad Dasari Corporate Relations 0824-2473911
5 Dr. Basavaraj Talawar Faculty Recruitment 0824-2473022
6 Prof. Kumar G N Staff Welfare 0824-2473022
7 Prof. Gangadhar Mahesh Planning & Procurement 0824-2473022
8 Prof. Suresha S N Development & Maintenance 0824-2473022
9 Prof. Shashidhar G. Koolagudi Sponsored Research 0824-2473005
10 Prof. Sunil B. M. Testing & Consultancy 0824-2473005
11 Dr. Rekha S. Parents Interface 0824-2473163
12 Prof. S Pavan Kumar Sports & SAC 0824-2473164
Professor In-Charge
1 Prof. Uday Kumar D Admission & Enrolment 0824-2473257
2 Prof. Sharnappa Joladarashi Fellowships & Scholarships 0824-2473887
3 Prof. Sumam David S. Curriculum Review 0824-2473502
4 Prof. Neelavar Shekar Vittal Shet Continuing Education 0824-2473508
5 Prof. Shyam S Kamath Learning Resources 0824-2473354
6 Prof. Satyabodh M Kulkarni Indian Knowledge System 0824-2473856
7 Prof. Manu Accreditation & Ranking 0824-2473662
8 Prof. Annappa Chairman - Career Development Centre 0824-⁠2474061
9 Prof. Arun Mohan Isloor Student Internships 0824-2473256
10 Prof. U. Shripathi Acharya Ind. Supported Programs 0824-2473503
11 Prof. Pradyot Ranjan Jena University Linkages 0824-2473237
12 Dr. Saikat Dutta Media Advocacy & PR 0824-2473263
13 Dr. Dhishna P Brochures & Newsletters 0824-2473232
14 Dr. Biju R Mohan Institute Website 0824-2473468
15 Dr. Shyam Lal Housing & Hospitality 0824-2473522
16 Dr. Saumya Hegde Healthcare Centre 0824-2473406
17 Prof. Veershetty Gumtapure Reservation Cell 0824-2473872
18 Dr. Rashmi Uchil Women Welfare Cell 0824-2473231
19 Dr. Bhawana Rudra Staff Training Programs 0824-2473453
20 Prof. Shashikantha Koudur Staff Recreation Club 0824-2473228
21 Prof. Ramesh H Civil Infrastructure 0824-2473666
22 Prof. B. Venkatesa Perumal Electrical Infrastructure 0824-2473565
23 Dr. Jagannathan T K Water & Wastewater 0824-2473814
24 Dr. Mohit P Tahiliani Central Computer Centre 0824-2474050
25 Dr. B. R. Chandavarkar Communication Networks 0824-2473408
26 Dr. Aparna P. Horticulture & Gardens 0824-2473509
27 Dr. A. S. Balu Safety & Security 0824-2473622
28 Dr. Anand Kumar M Mgt. Information System 0824-2473453
29 Prof. Jeyaraj P R&D Equipment & Facilities 0824-2473882
30 Prof. Keyur Raval Central Research Facility 0824-2474066
31 Dr. Pruthviraj U. Transdisciplinary R&D 0824-2473663
32 Dr. Sreevalsa Kolathayar Institute Innovation Cell 0824-2473624
33 Prof. Subraya R Hegde S&T Ent'ship Park 0824-2473713
34 Dr. Vasudeva Madav MoUs & Agreement 0824-2473870
35 Dr. Bijuna C Mohan Cultural Clubs & Events 0824-2473229
36 Dr. Shashi Bhushan Arya Technical Clubs & Events 0824-2473704
37 Dr. Srinivasa Rao Kola NADAL 0824-2473372
38 Prof. Pushparaj Shetty D Hostels 0824-2474070
Head of the Department
1 Prof. I. Regupathi Chemical Engineering 0824-2474041
2 Prof. Basavaraju Manu Civil Engineering 0824-2474035
3 Dr. B. R. Chandavarkar Computer Science & Engineering 0824-2474037
4 Prof. Darshak R. Trivedi Chemistry 0824-2474030
5 Prof. Debashisha Jena Electrical & Electronics Engineering 0824-2474038
6 Prof. Neelawar Shekar Vittal Shet Electronics & Communication Engineering 0824-2474039
7 Dr. Geetha V Information Technology 0824-2474040
8 Prof. P Sam Johnson Mathematical and Computational Sciences 0824-2474032
9 Prof. S. M. Murigendrappa Mechanical Engineering 0824-2474042
10 Dr. Kumkum Banerjee Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 0824-2474043
11 Prof. Harsha Vardhan Mining Engineering 0824-2474036
12 Dr. Kartick Tarafder Physics 0824-2474033
13 Prof. Ritanjali Majhi School of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Management 0824-2474031
14 Prof. Varija K. Water Resources & Ocean Engg. 0824-2474034
Administrative Officer
1 Mr. Ram Mohan Y Joint Registrar (Accounts) 0824-2474025
2 PA to Joint Registrar (Accounts) -NA- 0824-2473110
3 Mr. Bansod Pritam Ramesh Assistant Registrar (Purchase) 0824-2474026
4 Mr. Gaurav Chowdhury Assistant Registrar (Administration) 0824-2474028
5 Mrs. Sandhya Assistant Registrar (Acad)(i/c) 0824-2474029
6 Ms. Priyanka Dattanand Amadalli Assistant Registrar (Accounts) 0824-2474027
7 Dr. Hem Prasad Nath Student Activity and Sports Officer 0824-2473077
8 Dr. Manoj Student Activity and Sports Officer 0824-2473141
9 Vigilance Officer -NA- 0824-2474075
Administration Section
1 Academic Section -NA- 0824-2473020
2 Accounts-I -NA- 0824-2473012
3 Accounts-II -NA- 0824-2473013
4 Accounts-III -NA- 0824-2473011
5 Alumni Association -NA- 0824-2473066
6 Audit Section -NA- 0824-2473015
7 Building & Works Section -NA- 0824-2473018
8 CCE Office -NA- 0824-2473067
9 CSAB-2024 Chairman -NA- 0824-2474081
10 CSAB-2024 Office -NA- 0824-2473072
11 Cash Section -NA- 0824-2473016
12 Disaster Risk Reduction -NA- 0824-2473113
13 Establishment Section -NA- 0824-2473019
14 External Audit Section -NA- 0824-2473025
15 Hindi Raja Bhasha Vibhag -NA- 0824-2473105
16 Internal Audit Officer -NA- 0824-2473008
17 MIS Office -NA- 0824-2473076
18 MIS Officer -NA- 0824-2473166
19 NIRF Office -NA- 0824-2473075
20 OBC Cell -NA- 0824-2473103
21 Office Computer Center -NA- 0824-2473021
22 PA to Asst. Reg. (Admin.) & RTI Cell -NA- 0824-2473191
23 Public Relations Officer -NA- 0824-2473056
24 Purchase Section -NA- 0824-2473014
25 Purchase Section (Extn.) -NA- 0824-2473114
26 SC-ST Cell -NA- 0824-2473024
27 Stationary Section -NA- 0824-2473023
28 CCMT Seminar hall -NA- 0824-2473175
29 Center Public Information Officer -NA- 0824-2473007
Dept of Civil Engineering
1 Prof. Basavaraju Manu Professor & HOD 0824-2473613 / 2474035
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473600
3 Prof. Mattur C Narasimhan Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473636
4 Prof. Katta Venkataramana Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473637
5 Prof. S. Shrihari Professor 0824-2473606
6 Prof. Varghese George Professor 0824-2473612
7 Prof. Sitaram Nayak Professor 0824-2473601
8 Prof. B R Jayalekshmi Professor 0824-2473602
9 Prof. Subhash C. Yaragal Professor 0824-2473610
10 Prof. Sunil B. M. Professor 0824-2473605
11 Prof. Suresha S N Professor 0824-2473609
12 Prof. Arun Kumar Thalla Professor 0824-2473615
13 Prof. Gangadhar Mahesh Professor 0824-2473611
14 Prof. Devatha C P Professor 0824-2473631
15 Prof. B. B. Das Professor 0824-2473630
16 Dr. Raviraj H.M Associate Professor 0824-2473629
17 Dr. A. S. Balu Associate Professor 0824-2473622
18 Dr. Rajasekaran C Associate Professor 0824-2473616
19 Dr. Palanisamy T Associate Professor 0824-2473626
20 Dr. Sreevalsa Kolathayar Associate Professor 0824-2473624
21 Dr. Lohitkumar Nainegali Associate Professor 0824-2473620
22 Dr. Prashanth M H Assistant Professor 0824-2473608
23 Dr. Babloo Chaudhary Assistant Professor 0824-2473638
24 Dr. Anupama Surenjan Assistant Professor 0824-2473625
25 Dr. J Vijaya Vengadesh Kumar Assistant Professor 0824-2473618
26 Dr. Sreekumar M Assistant Professor 0824-2473617
27 Dr Vinoth S. Assistant Professor 0824-2473604
28 Dr. Mithun Mohan Assistant Professor 0824-2473614
29 Dr. Pavan G S Assistant Professor 0824-2473635
30 Dr. Sridhar G Assistant Professor 0824-2473603
31 Dr. Jacklin Jeke Nilling Assistant Professor 0824-2473621
32 Dr. Saranya P Assistant Professor 0824-2473607
33 BIM Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472601
34 Bio Concrete Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472610
35 Computer Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472604
36 Department Board Room -NA- 0824-2472605
37 Department Common Phone (Ground Floor) -NA- 0824-2472602
38 Department Library -NA- 0824-2472600
39 Dept. Office (Extn.) -NA- 0824-2472603
40 Environmental Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472609
41 Environmental Research Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472616
42 Geology Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472602
43 Industrial Structure Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472609
44 Material Testing Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472608
45 Research Scholar Room - 1 -NA- 0824-2472621
46 Research Scholar Room - 2 -NA- 0824-2472620
47 Research Scholar Room - 2B -NA- 0824-2472613
48 Research Scholar Room - 3 -NA- 0824-2472617
49 Research Scholar Room - 4 -NA- 0824-2472618
50 Rheology Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472614
51 Soil Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472612
52 Survey Stores -NA- 0824-2472615
53 Teaching Asst. Room -NA- 0824-2472619
54 Transportation Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472611
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
1 Prof. I. Regupathi Professor & HOD 0824-2473809 / 2474041
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473800
3 Prof. M B Saidutta Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473803
4 Prof. Raj Mohan B Professor 0824-2473805
5 Prof. Vidya Shetty K Professor 0824-2473806
6 Prof. Prasanna Belur. D Professor 0824-2473807
7 Prof. P E JagadeeshBabu Professor 0824-2473813
8 Prof. Keyur Raval Professor 0824-2473816
9 Prof. Hari Prasad Dasari Professor 0824-2473810
10 Prof. Hari Mahalingam Professor 0824-2473815
11 Dr. Gangamma S Associate Professor 0824-2473804
12 Dr. B. Ashraf Ali Associate Professor 0824-2473818
13 Dr. Jagannathan T K Associate Professor 0824-2473814
14 Dr. S Jitendra Pal Assistant Professor 0824-2473808
15 Dr. Chinta Sankar Rao Assistant Professor 0824-2473819
16 Dr. Vaishakh Nair Assistant Professor 0824-2473812
17 Dr. Maneesh Kumar Poddar Assistant Professor 0824-2473811
18 Dr. Mohan Lal Meena Assistant Professor 0824-2473802
19 Dr. M. Rajasekaran Assistant Professor 0824-2473801
20 Advance Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472800
21 Advanced Instrumentation Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472808
22 Heat Transfer Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472806
23 Mass Transfer Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472815
24 Process Control Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472809
25 Project Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472816
26 Quality Control Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472804
27 Research Scholar Room -NA- 0824-2472807
28 Temporary Faculty Room -NA- 0824-2472805
29 Workshop -NA- 0824-2472801
Dept. of Chemistry
1 Prof. Darshak R. Trivedi Professor & HOD 0824-2473255 / 2474030
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473250
3 Prof. Adka Nityananda Shetty Professor 0824-2473260
4 Prof. Ampar Chitharanjan Hegde Professor 0824-2473251
5 Prof. Badekai Ramachandra Bhat Professor 0824-2473254
6 Prof. Denthaje Krishna Bhat Professor 0824-2473252
7 Prof. Arun Mohan Isloor Professor 0824-2473256
8 Prof. Udaya Kumar Dalimba Professor 0824-2473257
9 Dr. Sib Sankar Mal Associate Professor 0824-2473258
10 Dr. Beneesh P. B. Associate Professor 0824-2473269
11 Dr. Debashree Chakraborty Associate Professor 0824-2473262
12 Dr. Saikat Dutta Associate Professor 0824-2473263
13 Dr. Vijayendra S. Shetti Assistant Professor 0824-2473265
14 Dr. Lakshmi Vellanki Assistant Professor 0824-2473253
15 Catalysis And Materials Chemistry Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472256
16 Computer Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472261
17 Electrochemistry Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472250
18 Macrocycle Synthesis Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472263
19 Material Science Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472262
20 Materials Science Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472262
21 Membranes & Separation Technology Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472260
22 Organic and Materials Chemistry Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472257
23 PG Inorganic Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472253
24 PG Organic Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472254
25 PG Physical Chemistry Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472251
26 PG Physical Chemistry Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472252
27 Sophisticated Instrument Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472264
28 Supramolecular Chemistry Materials Science Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472259
29 Synthesis And Material Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472255
30 UG B Tech Laboratory 1 -NA- 0824-2472265
31 UG B Tech Laboratory 2 -NA- 0824-2472266
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
1 Dr. B. R. Chandavarkar Associate Professor & HOD 0824-2474037 / 2473408
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473400
3 Prof. Chandrasekaran K Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473420
4 Prof. P Santhi Thilagam Professor 0824-2473404
5 Prof. Alwyn Roshan Pais Professor 0824-2473407
6 Prof. Annappa Professor 0824-2473401
7 Prof. Shasidhar G. Koolagudi Professor 0824-2473413
8 Mrs. Vani M Associate Professor 0824-2473405
9 Dr. Jeny Rajan Associate Professor 0824-2473412
10 Dr. Mohit P Tahiliani Associate Professor 0824-2473410
11 Dr. Basavaraj Talawar Associate Professor 0824-2473409
12 Dr. Manu Basavaraju Associate Professor 0824-2473415
13 Dr. Saumya Hegde Assistant Professor 0824-2473406
14 Dr. Mahendra Pratap Singh Assistant Professor 0824-2473402
15 Dr. Biswajit R Bhowmik Assistant Professor 0824-2473411
16 Dr. Sourav Kanti Addya Assistant Professor 0824-2473414
17 Dr. Shridhar Sanshi Assistant Professor 0824-2473416
18 Dr. Manjanna B Assistant Professor 0824-2473417
19 Dr. Radhika B S Assistant Professor 0824-2473403
20 Dr. Abhilash M H Assistant Professor 0824-2473419
21 Shri Pradeep D Technical Officer 0824-2473418
22 Adjunct Faculty Room - 1 -NA- 0824-2472425
23 Adjunct Faculty Room - 2 -NA- 0824-2472426
24 Asst. Engineer (SG - I) -NA- 0824-2472442
25 CCTV Room -NA- 0824-2472434
26 Cloud Computing Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472446
27 Data Centre -NA- 0824-2472449
28 Dept. Office (Extn.) -NA- 0824-2472439
29 Digital Electronics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472410
30 Electrical Room -NA- 0824-2472437
31 ISEA Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472438
32 Image Processing Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472445
33 Library -NA- 0824-2472422
34 M. Tech. CSE Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472429
35 M. Tech. CSE-IS Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472447
36 Meeting Room -NA- 0824-2472436
37 NBA Record Room -NA- 0824-2472414
38 Research Laboratory - 1 -NA- 0824-2472421
39 Research Laboratory - 2 -NA- 0824-2472423
40 Research Laboratory - 3 -NA- 0824-2472443
41 Security - Entrance -NA- 0824-2472440
42 Seminar Hall -NA- 0824-2472432
43 Temporary Faculty Room 1 -NA- 0824-2472427
44 Temporary Faculty Room 2 -NA- 0824-2472411
45 Temporary Faculty Room 3 -NA- 0824-2472428
46 Temporary Faculty Room 4 -NA- 0824-2472424
47 Temporary Faculty Room 5 -NA- 0824-2472435
48 Temporary Faculty Room 6 -NA- 0824-2472444
49 UG Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472412
50 UG Laboratory - 1 -NA- 0824-2472430
51 UG Laboratory - 2 -NA- 0824-2472448
52 UG Laboratory - 3 -NA- 0824-2472441
53 UG Laboratory - 4 -NA- 0824-2472417
Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1 Prof. Debashisha Jena Professor & HOD 0824-2473566 / 2474038
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473550
3 Prof. Panduranga Vittal K. Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473554
4 Prof. Udaykumar R. Yaragatti Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473553
5 Prof. Vinatha U. Professor 0824-2473556
6 Prof. Shubhanga K. N. Professor 0824-2473558
7 Prof. Gururaj S. Punekar Professor 0824-2473560
8 Prof. Manjunatha Sharma K. Professor 0824-2473561
9 Prof. Dattatraya Narayan Gaonkar Professor 0824-2473557
10 Prof. B. Venkatesa Perumal Professor 0824-2473565
11 Dr. A. Karthikeyan Associate Professor 0824-2473567
12 Dr. Jora M. Gonda Associate Professor 0824-2473555
13 Mr. K. Rajagopala Associate Professor 0824-2473564
14 Dr. Nagendrappa H. Associate Professor 0824-2473552
15 Dr. Tukaram Moger Associate Professor 0824-2473551
16 Dr. P. Parthiban Associate Professor 0824-2473563
17 Dr. Kalpana R. Associate Professor 0824-2473568
18 Dr. Y. Suresh Associate Professor 0824-2473589
19 Dr. Krishnan C M C Associate Professor 0824-2473583
20 Mr. I R Rao Assistant Professor 0824-2473559
21 Mr. H. Girisha Navada Assistant Professor 0824-2473562
22 Dr. Yashwant Kashyap Assistant Professor 0824-2473580
23 Dr. Arun Dominic Assistant Professor 0824-2473586
24 Dr. Vignesh Kumar V. Assistant Professor 0824-2473587
25 Dr. Ravi Raushan Assistant Professor 0824-2473585
26 Dr. Dharavath Kishan Assistant Professor 0824-2473584
27 Dr. Md Waseem Ahmad Assistant Professor 0824-2473588
28 Dr. Prajof P. Assistant Professor 0824-2473592
29 Dr. B. Dastagiri Reddy Assistant Professor 0824-2473597
30 Dr. Shashidhara Mecha Kotian Assistant Professor 0824-2473590
31 Mr. K. M. Naik Assistant Engineer (SG-I) 0824-2473599
32 Mr. Nagaraja Bhat K. Assistant Engineer (SG-I) 0824-2473591
33 Analog and Digital Electronics Circuits Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472594
34 Computer Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472593
35 Electrical Machine Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472596
36 Electrical Measurements and Instruments Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472591
37 High Voltage Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472595
38 PG Project Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472585
39 Power Electronics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472597
40 Power Systems and Synchronous Machine Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472587
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
1 Prof. Neelawar Shekar Vittal Shet Professor & HOD 0824-2474055 / 2473508
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473500
3 Prof. M. S. Bhat Professor 0824-2473507
4 Prof. Sumam David S. Professor 0824-2473502
5 Prof. U. Shripathi Acharya Professor 0824-2473503
6 Prof. T. Laxminidhi Professor 0824-2473505
7 Prof. Ashvini Chaturvedi Professor 0824-2473526
8 Prof. Ramesh Kini M. Professor 0824-2473506
9 Dr. Rekha S. Associate Professor 0824-2473518
10 Dr. Aparna P. Associate Professor 0824-2473509
11 Dr. Krishnamoorthy K. Associate Professor 0824-2473512
12 Dr. Deepu Vijayasenan Associate Professor 0824-2473511
13 Dr. Prashantha Kumar H. Associate Professor 0824-2473516
14 Dr. Raghavendra B.S. Associate Professor 0824-2473517
15 Dr. A. V. Narasimhadhan Associate Professor 0824-2473521
16 Dr. Pathipati Srihari Associate Professor 0824-2473515
17 Dr. Shyam Lal Associate Professor 0824-2473522
18 Dr. Rathnamala Rao Associate Professor 0824-2473513
19 Dr. Prabu K Associate Professor 0824-2473519
20 Dr. Kalpana G. Bhat Assistant Professor 0824-2473510
21 Shri B. Nagavel Assistant Professor 0824-2473520
22 Dr. Mandeep Singh Assistant Professor 0824-2473524
23 Dr. Nikhil K S Assistant Professor 0824-2473525
24 Dr. Sushil Kumar Pandey Assistant Professor 0824-2473501
25 Dr. Bini A A Assistant Professor 0824-2473514
26 Communication Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472547
27 Digital System Design Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472531
28 Meeting Room (South Wing) -NA- 0824-2472533
29 Network Room -NA- 0824-2472545
30 Analog Electronics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472540
31 Analog/Sub-THz RF Integrated Circuits and Microsystems Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472548
32 Dept. Library -NA- 0824-2472536
33 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472539
34 Meeting Room (North Wing) -NA- 0824-2472537
35 Microprocessor and Embedded Systems Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472546
36 Project Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472543
37 RF and Antenna System Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472544
38 Seminar Hall (North Wing) -NA- 0824-2472534
39 Seminar Hall (South Wing) -NA- 0824-2472538
40 Stochastic Modeling, Imaging and Learning Laboratory (SmiLE) -NA- 0824-2472542
41 VLSI Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472549
Dept. of Information Technology
1 Dr. Geetha V Associate Professor & HOD 0824-2474040 / 2473464
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473450
3 Prof. Ananthanarayana V S Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473460
4 Prof. Ram Mohana Reddy Guddeti Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473461
5 Dr. Jaidhar C D Professor 0824-2473463
6 Dr. Sowmya Kamath S Associate Professor 0824-2473467
7 Dr. Biju R Mohan Associate Professor 0824-2473468
8 Dr. Nagamma Patil Associate Professor 0824-2473469
9 Dr. Anand Kumar M Associate Professor 0824-2473453
10 Dr. Purushothama B R Associate Professor 0824-2473465
11 Dr. Dinesh Naik Assistant Professor 0824-2473462
12 Dr. Kiran M Assistant Professor 0824-2473451
13 Dr. Bhawana Rudra Assistant Professor 0824-2473454
14 Dr. Shrutilipi Bhattacharjee Assistant Professor 0824-2473452
15 Dr. Janani T Assistant Professor 0824-2473466
16 Dr. Vamshi Adouth Assistant Professor 0824-2473458
17 Ms. Harshitha Shetty Senior Technician 0824-2473459
18 Conference Room -NA- 0824-2472485
19 Department Library -NA- 0824-2472488
20 Digital Design Laboratory - 1 -NA- 0824-2472492
21 Digital Design Laboratory - 2 -NA- 0824-2472493
22 Post Graduate Laboratory - 1 -NA- 0824-2472499
23 Post Graduate Laboratory - 2 -NA- 0824-2472498
24 Project Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472489
25 Research Laboratory - 1 -NA- 0824-2472494
26 Research Laboratory - 2 -NA- 0824-2472495
27 Temporary Faculty Room - 1 -NA- 0824-2472486
28 Temporary Faculty Room - 2 -NA- 0824-2472496
29 Undergraduate Laboratory - 1 -NA- 0824-2472491
30 Undergraduate Laboratory - 2 -NA- 0824-2472487
Dept. of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
1 Prof. P Sam Johnson Professor & HOD 0824-2474032 / 2473361
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473350
3 Prof. A Kandasamy Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473351
4 Prof. Murulidhar N N Professor 0824-2473357
5 Prof. Shyam S Kamath Professor 0824-2473354
6 Prof. Madhusudhan R Professor 0824-2473356
7 Prof. Pushparaj Shetty D Professor 0824-2473360
8 Prof. B R Shankar Professor 0824-2473355
9 Prof. V Murugan Professor 0824-2473362
10 Prof. Santhosh George Professor 0824-2473363
11 Dr. Jidesh P Associate Professor 0824-2473353
12 Dr. Chandhini G Associate Professor 0824-2473367
13 Dr. Srinivasa Rao Kola Associate Professor 0824-2473372
14 Dr. A Senthil Thilak Associate Professor 0824-2473373
15 Dr. Kedarnath Senapathi Associate Professor 0824-2473371
16 Dr. Vivek Sinha Assistant Professor 0824-2473364
17 Dr. Vishwanath K P Assistant Professor 0824-2473365
18 Dr. Falguni Roy Assistant Professor 0824-2473359
19 Dr. Jothi Ramalingam Assistant Professor 0824-2473366
20 Dr. Vidyadhar Upadhya Assistant Professor 0824-2473352
21 Dr. Samadrita Bera Assistant Professor 0824-2473358
22 Dr. Pushpajit Khaire Assistant Professor 0824-2473369
23 Research Scholars Laboratory - 1 -NA- 0824-2472351
24 Research Scholars Laboratory - 2 -NA- 0824-2472360
25 Research Scholars Laboratory - 3 -NA- 0824-2472361
26 Research Scholars Laboratory - 4 -NA- 0824-2472353
27 Research Scholars Laboratory - 5 -NA- 0824-2472352
28 Research Scholars Laboratory - 6 -NA- 0824-2472350
29 Faculty Room -NA- 0824-2472357
30 MACS Laboratory - 1 -NA- 0824-2472358
31 MACS Laboratory - 2 -NA- 0824-2472359
32 MACS Laboratory - 3 -NA- 0824-2472356
33 MACS Laboratory - 4 -NA- 0824-2472354
34 MACS Laboratory - 5 -NA- 0824-2472355
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
1 Prof. S. M. Murigendrappa Professor & HOD 0824-2473851 / 2474058
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473850
3 Prof. S M Kulkarni Professor 0824-2473856
4 Prof. Shrikantha S Rao Professor 0824-2473863
5 Prof. Gangadharan K V Professor 0824-2473857 / 2473915
6 Prof. Narendranath S Professor 0824-2473860
7 Prof. Kumar G N Professor 0824-2473859
8 Prof. Shivananda Nayaka H Professor 0824-2473865
9 Prof. Veershetty Gumtapure Professor 0824-2473872
10 Prof. G. C. Mohan Kumar Professor 0824-2473871
11 Prof. Subhaschandra Kattimani Professor 0824-2473861
12 Prof. Prasad Krishna Professor 0824-2473866
13 Prof. Sathyabhama A Professor 0824-2473883
14 Prof. Jeyaraj P Professor 0824-2473882
15 Prof. Hemantha Kumar Professor 0824-2473881
16 Prof. Ramesh M R Professor 0824-2473877
17 Prof. Srikanth Bontha Professor 0824-2473880
18 Prof. Arun M. Professor 0824-2473875
19 Prof. Anish S. Professor 0824-2473879
20 Prof. Sharnappa Joladarashi Professor 0824-2473887
21 Prof. Ravikiran Kadoli Professor 0824-2473858
22 Dr. Mervin A Herbert Associate Professor 0824-2473854
23 Dr. Vasudeva Madav Associate Professor 0824-2473870
24 Dr. Navin Karanth P. Associate Professor 0824-2473869
25 Dr. Sudhakar C Jambagi Associate Professor 0824-2473868
26 Dr. N. Gnanasekaran Associate Professor 0824-2473874
27 Dr. Ranjith M Associate Professor 0824-2473891
28 Dr. Arumuga Perumal D Associate Professor 0824-2473892
29 Dr. Poornesh Kumar Koorata Associate Professor 0824-2473890
30 Dr. Ajay Kumar Yadav Assistant Professor 0824-2473876
31 Dr Somasekhara Rao Todeti Assistant Professor 0824-2473885
32 Dr. Saurabh Chandraker Assistant Professor 0824-2473867
33 Dr Parthasarathy P Assistant Professor 0824-2473873
34 Dr. Mruthyunjaya Swamy K B Assistant Professor 0824-2473886
35 Dr. Arun Kumar Shettigar Assistant Professor 0824-2473852
36 Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Sahu Assistant Professor 0824-2473893
37 Dr. A. S. S. Balan Assistant Professor 0824-2473888
38 Dr. P. S. Suvin Assistant Professor 0824-2473889
39 Dr. Khyati Verma Assistant Professor 0824-2473884
40 Dr Abhilash Singh Assistant Professor 0824-2473853
41 Dr. Mervin Joe Thomas Assistant Professor 0824-2473862
42 Dr. Deepak Kumar Assistant Professor 0824-2473864
43 AL Room -NA- 0824-2472872
44 Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472877
45 Automotive Electronics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472871
46 CAD/CAM Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472853
47 CNC Machine Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472864
48 Carpentry -NA- 0824-2472859
49 Combustion Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472867
50 Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472866
51 DIST-FIST Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472850
52 Electrochemical Energy System Design Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472878
53 Fitting Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472854
54 Fuels Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472855
55 Heat Transfer Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472870
56 Hexagon-Nextgen 3D Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472851
57 I.C Engine Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472857
58 Machine Shop -NA- 0824-2472852
59 Material Characterization Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472868
60 Metrology Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472856
61 Micro System Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472860
62 Polygon Composite Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472874
63 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472863
64 Robotics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472862
65 Stress Analysis Lab -NA- 0824-2472873
66 Surface Engineering Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472875
67 Vibration Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472876
68 Vibration and Condition Monitoring Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472865
69 Wind Tunnel Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472869
Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
1 Dr. Kumkum Banerjee Associate Professor & HOD 0824-2473707 / 2474043
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473700
3 Prof. K Narayan Prabhu Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473706
4 Prof. Subray R Hegde Professor 0824-2473713
5 Prof. Jagannath Nayak Professor 0824-2473703
6 Prof. Udaya Bhat K Professor 0824-2473711
7 Prof. Anandhan Srinivasan Professor 0824-2473712
8 Dr. Shashi Bhushan Arya Associate Professor 0824-2473704
9 Dr. Ravishankar K S Associate Professor 0824-2473710
10 Dr. Mohammad Rizwanur Rahman Associate Professor 0824-2473715
11 Dr. Preetham Kumar G V Associate Professor 0824-2473705
12 Dr. Saumen Mandal Associate Professor 0824-2473702
13 Dr. B Rajasekaran Associate Professor 0824-2473714
14 Dr. Sumanth Govindarajan Assistant Professor 0824-2473701
15 Dr. Selvakumar Murugesan Assistant Professor 0824-2473709
16 Dr. Lipak Kumar Sahoo Assistant Professor 0824-2473708
17 Assistant Lecturer-1 -NA- 0824-2472700
18 Assistant Lecturer-2 -NA- 0824-2472714
19 CRC Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472713
20 Ceramic Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472710
21 Coating Facility -NA- 0824-2472707
22 Corrosion Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472715
23 Electrospinning Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472708
24 Extractive Metallurgy Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472716
25 Heat Treatment Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472705
26 Metallurgical Testing Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472717
27 New Polymer Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472718
28 Physical Metallurgy Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472704
29 SEM Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472712
30 Specimen Preparation Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472719
31 TEM Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472703
32 Thin films and Coating Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472701
33 XRD Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472709
Dept. of Mining Engineering
1 Prof. Harsha Vardhan Professor & HOD 0824-2473773 / 2474036
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473750
3 Prof. Mandela Govinda Raj Professor 0824-2473776
4 Prof. Mangalpady Aruna Professor 0824-2473774
5 Prof. Karra Ram Chandar Professor 0824-2473775
6 Dr. Anup Kumar Tripati Associate Professor 0824-2473778
7 Dr . Bijay Mihir Kunar Associate Professor 0824-2473777
8 Dr. Sandi Kumar Reddy Associate Professor 0824-2473755
9 Dr. Akhil Avchar Assistant Professor 0824-2473772
10 Dr. Amrites Senapati Assistant Professor 0824 2473771
11 Dr. Shreekant R. Lamani Assistant Engineer (SG-I) 0824-2473779
12 Mr. Vishwanatha Poojary Assistant Engineer (SG-I) 0824 2473757
13 Mine Env. & Ventilation Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472789
14 Rock Blasting Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472785
15 Rock Mechnics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472786
16 Faculty Room -NA- 0824-2472787
17 Faculty Room -NA- 0824-2472781
18 Mine Health & Safety Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472780
19 Mine Machinery Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472783
20 Mine Planning and Design Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472784
21 Research Scholar's Room -NA- 0824-2472782
22 Rock Drilling Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472788
Dept. of Physics
1 Dr. Kartick Tarafder Associate Professor & HOD 0824-2473307 / 2474033
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473300
3 Prof. N K Udayashankar Professor 0824-2473309
4 Prof. Nagaraja H S Professor 0824-2473304
5 Prof. Ajith K M Professor 0824-2473301
6 Prof. M N Satyanarayan Professor 0824-2473302
7 Dr. Partha Pratim Das Assistant Professor 0824-2473303
8 Dr. T K Shajahan Assistant Professor 0824-2473308
9 Dr. V Sreenath Assistant Professor 0824-2473306
10 Guest Professor Room -NA- 0824-2472303
11 Temporary Faculty Room -NA- 0824-2472301
12 Meeting Room -NA- 0824-2472300
13 B. Tech. Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472315
14 Computational Materials Science Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472307
15 Computational Physics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472304
16 Cosmology Group -NA- 0824-2472302
17 Crystal Growth Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472313
18 Energy-Materials Research Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472309
19 Low Dimensional Physics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472312
20 M Sc Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472310
21 M Sc Project Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472314
22 Material Processing Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472306
23 Nanomaterials Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472308
24 Opto-Electronics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472311
25 Theoretical Physics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472305
Dept. of Water Resources & Ocean Engg
1 Prof. Varija K. Professor & HOD 0824-2474034 / 2473655
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473650
3 Prof. Lakshman Nandagiri Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473652
4 Prof. Dwarakish G S Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473659
5 Prof. Mahesha A. Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473656
6 Prof. Kiran G Shirlal Professor 0824-2473664
7 Prof. Amba Shetty Professor 0824-2473657
8 Prof. Dodamani B M Professor 0824-2473661
9 Prof. Ramesh H Professor 0824-2473666
10 Prof. Nasar T Professor 0824-2473668
11 Prof. Manu Professor 0824-2473662
12 Dr. Subrahmanya K. Associate Professor 0824-2473658
13 Dr. Pruthviraj U. Associate Professor 0824-2473663
14 Dr. Vadivuchezhian Kaliveeran Associate Professor 0824-2473660
15 Dr. Debabrata Karmakar Associate Professor 0824-2473669
16 Dr. Shwetha H.R. Assistant Professor 0824-2473651
17 Dr. Chandan Pradhan Assistant Professor 0824-2473653
18 Dr. Chandan M. C. Assistant Professor 0824-2473654
19 AL Room 1 -NA- 0824-2472667
20 AL Room 2 -NA- 0824-2472654
21 AIRAWAT Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472655
22 Computational Hydrodynamics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472651
23 Computer Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472660
24 Hydraulics Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472669
25 Marine Structure Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472662
26 Project Room -NA- 0824-2472668
27 RS&GIS Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472661
28 Remote Sensing Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472663
29 Research Scholars Room -NA- 0824-2472657
30 Strength of Materials Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472664
31 Visiting Faculty Room -NA- 0824-2472650
School of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Management
1 Prof. Ritanjali Majhi Professor & HOD 0824-2473234 / 2474031
2 Dept. Office -NA- 0824-2473200
3 Prof. K B Kiran Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) 0824-2473226
4 Prof. Shashikantha Koudur Professor 0824-2473228
5 Prof. S Pavan Kumar Professor 0824-2473227
6 Prof. Pradyot Ranjan Jena Professor 0824-2473237
7 Dr. Bijuna C Mohan Associate Professor 0824-2473229
8 Dr. Rashmi Uchil Associate Professor 0824-2473231
9 Dr. Suprabha K R Associate Professor 0824-2473235
10 Dr. Rajesh Acharya H Associate Professor 0824-2473239
11 Dr. Gopalakrishna B V Associate Professor 0824-2473233
12 Dr. Sheena Associate Professor 0824-2473236
13 Dr. Dhishna P Associate Professor 0824-2473232
14 Dr. Savita Bhat Associate Professor 0824-2473238
15 Dr. Rahul Sivarajan Assistant Professor 0824-2473222
16 Dr. Abhilasha Gusain Assistant Professor 0824-2473221
17 Dr. Sabiha Alam Choudhury Assistant Professor 0824-2473223
18 Dr. Anupriya Assistant Professor 0824-2473224
19 Research Scholars Room -NA- 0824-2472228
20 Computer Laboratory -NA- 0824-2472227
21 Department Library -NA- 0824-2472225
22 Temporary Lecturer Room -NA- 0824-2472229
Central Research Facility
1 Prof. Keyur Raval Professor In-Charge 0824-2474056
2 CRF Office -NA- 0824-2473106
Centre for System Design
1 CSD Office -NA- 0824-2473115
Institute Innovation Council
1 Dr. Sreevalsa Kolathayar Professor In-Charge 0824-2474059
2 IIC Office Other 0824-2473071
Science & Technology Entrepreneurs' Park (STEP)
1 Prof. Subraya R Hegde Professor In-Charge 0824-2474083 / 2477590
1 Prof. Pushparaj Shetty D Professor In-Charge 0824-2473800
2 Prof. Ramesh M. R. Finance Warden 0824-2474074
3 Dr. J Vijaya Vengadesh Kumar Warden - Aravali (Block - 2) 9786198855
4 Dr. Mandeep Singh Warden - Vindhya (Block - 3) 9557523757
5 Dr. Ravi Raushan Warden - Satpura (Block - 4) 8013533503
6 Dr. Sridhar G Warden - Karavali (Block - 1) 7204030891
7 Dr. Preetham Kumar G V Warden - Nilgiri (Block - 5) 8277010615
8 Dr. A. S. S. Balan Warden - Sahyadri (Block - 7) 9789941487
9 Dr. Prajof P. Warden - Trishul (Block - 8) 9967325672
10 Dr. Bijay Mihir Kunar Warden - Everest (MT - 1) 8884834907
11 Dr. Jothi Ramalingam Warden - Everest (MT - 1) 9962055208
12 Dr. Mrithyunjaya Swamy K B Warden - Himalaya (MT - 2) 9483006499
13 Dr. Dharavath Kishan Warden - Himalaya (MT - 2) 8056939682
14 Dr. Gopalakrishna B V Warden - Kailash (MT - 3) 9480134970
15 Dr. Nikhil K S Warden - Kailash (MT - 3) 9444640017
16 Dr. P. Parthiban Warden - Pushpagiri (Block- PG) 9019153775
17 Dr. Sushil Kumar Pandey Warden - Brahmagiri (Block - PG New) 7052502636
18 Dr. Selvakumar Murugesan Warden - Brahmagiri (Block- PG New) 9019227490
19 Dr. Md Waseem Ahmad Warden - Shiwalik (Block - 11) 7753058434
20 Dr. S Jitendra Pal Warden - Shiwalik (Block - 11) 7503328090
21 Hostel Office -NA- 0824-2473101
22 Hostel Office (Administration) -NA- 0824-2473107
23 Hostel Office (Cash Section) -NA- 0824-2473104
24 Reception (Girls Hostel) -NA- 0824-2473102
25 Dr. Shwetha H R Warden - Ganga (GH - 1) 9743183823
26 Dr.Nagamma Patil Warden - Kaveri (GH - 2) 9880655437
27 Dr. Shwetha H R Warden - Yamuna (GH - 3) 9743183823
28 Dr. Janani T Warden - Godavari (GH - 6) 9629299856
29 Dr. Krishnamoorthy K Quality and Maintenance 7208039132
30 Dr. Parthasarathy Quality and Maintenance 9487781983
31 Dr. Ranjith M Quality and Maintenance 8050159645
32 Dr. Vani M Quality and Maintenance 9448039466
1 Dr Hem Prasad Nath Student Activity and Sports Officer 0824-2473077
2 Dr. Manoj Student Activity and Sports Officer 0824-2474080
3 Sports Office -NA- 0824-2473074
Career Development Centre
1 Prof. Annappa Chairman 0824-2474051
2 PA to Chairman -NA- 0824-2473053
3 Prof. Sunil B. M. Vice Chairman 0824-2473055
4 CDC Office -NA- 0824-2473054
Central Computer Centre
1 Dr. Mohit P Tahiliani Professor In-Charge 0824 2474050
2 CCC Office -NA- 0824-2473057
3 Mr. P. G. Mohanan System Manager 0824-2473058
4 Mr. Vijayakumar Ghode Senior Scientific Officer 0824-2473059
5 Mr. C. Vairavanathan Technical Officer 0824-2473047
6 Mr. M. N. Shantha Kumar Technical Officer 0824-2473046
7 Mr. Suguna Kumar B. Assistant Engineer (SG-II) 0824-2473045
8 Power Control Room -NA- 0824-2473149
9 S F Laboratory -NA- 0824-2473148
10 Facility Management -NA- 0824-2473085
Guest House
1 J. C. Bose Guest House -NA- 0824-2473120
2 Vikram Sarabhai Reception -NA- 0824-2473121
3 Vikram Sarabhai - 1 -NA- 0824-2473122
4 Vikram Sarabhai - 2 -NA- 0824-2473123
5 Vikram Sarabhai - 3 -NA- 0824-2473124
6 Vikram Sarabhai - 4 -NA- 0824-2473125
7 Vikram Sarabhai - 5 -NA- 0824-2473126
8 Vikram Sarabhai - 6 -NA- 0824-2473127
9 Vikram Sarabhai - 7 -NA- 0824-2473128
10 Vikram Sarabhai - 8 -NA- 0824-2473129
11 Vikram Sarabhai - 9 -NA- 0824-2473130
12 Vikram Sarabhai - 10 -NA- 0824-2473131
13 Vikram Sarabhai - 11 -NA- 0824-2473132
14 Vikram Sarabhai - 12 -NA- 0824-2473133
Health Care Center
1 Dr. M. L. Balabhaskara Resident Medical Officer 0824-2473068 / 2474084
2 Dr. Shrimathi B Medical Officer 0824-2473069 / 2474077
3 Dr. Sulochana Nayak Medical Officer 0824-2473090
4 Consultant Room - 1 -NA- 0824-2473088
5 Consultant Room - 2 -NA- 0824-2473089
6 Consultant Room - 3 -NA- 0824 2473094
7 Dentist Room -NA- 0824-2473087
8 Dressing Room -NA- 0824-2473174
9 First Floor Office -NA- 0824-2473092
10 HCC Reception -NA- 0824-2473070
11 Injection/ECG Room -NA- 0824-2473091
12 Lab Room -NA- 0824-2473093
13 Pharmacist -NA- 0824-2473095
1 Dr. Mallikarjun Angadi Librarian 0824-2474061
2 Mrs. Anasuya C. Assistant Librarian 0824-2474062
3 Circulation Desk -NA- 0824-2473060
4 Periodical section -NA- 0824-2473064
5 Technical Section -NA- 0824-2473063
6 e-Library Complex -NA- 0824-2473062
1 Mr. Ramprasad B S Bhat Security Officer 0824-2473026
2 Main Gate Security Supervisor -NA- 0824-2473027
3 Post Office Gate Security -NA- 0824-2473080
4 Girls Hostel Gate Security -NA- 0824-2473081
5 Director Bungalow Security -NA- 0824-2473086
6 Padre Gate Security -NA- 0824-2473082
7 PG Hostel Security -NA- 0824-2473098
8 7th Block Hostel Security -NA- 0824-2473139
Superintending Engineer Office
1 Dr. Rajasekaran C Superintending Engineer 0824-2474065
2 Mr. Udaya kumar Office Superintendent 0824-2473028
3 S E Office -NA- 0824-2473029
4 Mr. M D Firoze Khaza Executive Engineer (Elec.) 0824-2473032
5 Mr. K Malinga Naik Assistant Engineer (SG-I) 0824-2473017
6 Mr. Virupaksha D C Assistant Engineer (SG-I) 0824-2473029
7 Mr. Umesha P Assistant Engineer (SG-II) 0824-2473030
8 Civil Engineers - 1 -NA- 0824-2473031
9 Civil Engineers - 2 -NA- 0824-2473036
10 Draftman -NA- 0824-2473034
11 Driver Room -NA- 0824-2473035
12 Electrical Section - 1 -NA- 0824-2473033
13 Electrical Section - 2 -NA- 0824-2473137
14 Power House (Galaxy) -NA- 0824-2473037
15 Pump House -NA- 0824-2473038
16 Store -NA- 0824-2473039
17 Substation (33 KVA) -NA- 0824-2473097 / 2474112
Sister Concerns
1 Canara Bank -NA- 0824-2473185
2 Employs Credit Society -NA- 0824-2473116
3 English Medium School -NA- 0824-2473183
4 Food Court -NA- 0824-2473180
5 Post Office -NA- 0824-2473184
6 S D Canteen -NA- 0824-2473182
7 State Bank of India -NA- 0824-2473186
8 Student Co-op Society -NA- 0824-2473181
Telephone Exchange
1 BSNL Telephone Exchange, NITK -NA- 0824-2473150
2 Telephone Operator -NA- 0824-2474008